Monday, June 2, 2014


Good evening Friends! I have been exploring a new tool today that I have been interested in for quite some time but have not peeked in to explore it up until NOW! Let me give you a hint. We have all seen that little adorable blue bird everywhere on the internet. What is that? what can that bird mean? Yes it is Twitter! It is a fun, catchy way to be informed of new and hip things that your friends or famous people want to share. I love it because each post can only be up to 120 words, so there are no excessively long posts, just something short and to the point.
One post I loved was from one of the people I follow and her name is The Daring Librarian and her username is : Gwyneth Jones here is one of her tweets.

Here is another tweet from another one of my favorite people: It is by Kathy Schrock and her user name is @Kathyschrock Here is a great tweet that helped me see visually see what google has to offer and it is noted from Jim Lerman @jimlerman We are thinking the same thing! Buffy Hamilton @buffyjhamilton This one is hilarious! This tweet is from Tony Vincent @tonyvincent This was very inspirational to me and I am sure it is to many others! This was posted from Linda Braun @lbraun2000

1 comment:

  1. I love the kids react videos! I've shown some of them to my students and they laugh because it's they think just like the kids in this video you posted. Loved the post!!
